Sunday, October 25, 2009

Spirituality versus Indoctrination

Why do we shy away from engaging in any type of spiritual conversation in the classroom? Is it not largely because we are afraid of indoctrinating? My position is that there is a lot of room for spirituality before indoctrination becomes an issue. Let me define my terms. Spirituality has to do with considering what is beautiful, unexplainable, mysterious, awesome. Creation, art, music, the emotions and some amazing facts of science are pathways to spirituality, where our minds and hearts are turned upward. We exclaim "how can that be?" or "that's amazing, how did that happen!?" Indoctrination imposes a particular set of beliefs on others. Spirituality is open, indoctrination closed.
So I issue the challenge to myself and to my colleagues: let's not be afraid to open the classroom up to the mysteries of life and the universe. These things elevate the mind, inspire the heart, stimulate the intellect. Why back away from educating the soul? We may not be at liberty to answer on our terms the student's spiritual quest, but without the quest itself being set in motion, the answers will not be wanted.  

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful. We miss the entire aspect of education without intentionally teaching to the spirit of the student. I cannot step into the classroom and conscientiously avoid this vitual side to a student's intellectual development. I catch myself using proverbs in class throughout the day. Who am I to deny their wisdom. Will via Storm.
