Friday, May 2, 2014

Wanting Out?

Brad is in grade 11 French immersion. He is pleasant but shows no initiative except for minor in-class assignments he does manage to complete and hand in.  At mid-term his mark was 30%. I invited him on several occasions to come in at lunch to catch up. He did not come. I called home and spoke to his dad who thanked me for calling and said he would speak with Brad about this. A couple of weeks went by with no work coming in.  I called home again and set up a meeting with Brad and his dad. I prepared a contract that Brad filled out in our presence and we signed. It stated the extension dates and tasks he thought he could complete by those dates.  I stressed to Brad the importance of taking the initiative to fix a problem rather than let it slide. On the due date Brad came in with a USB stick and said he had not printed of the work yet. I told him that as long as he printed the work and handed it in the same day that was fine. I never saw the work.  I called the dad back to let him know. He was upset that Brad had lied to him about having the work done and handed in. I told the dad that at this late date, with four weeks left of classes, they should probably consider alternative courses for next year. I wondered out loud whether Brad was passively sending a message that he wanted out of the immersion program.  What would you have done? 

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