Thursday, October 17, 2013

Unexpected Response

Maggie stayed at lunch in my room to finish a reading assignment. I noticed she was looking perplexed. Her face was slightly contorted. I said in a light-hearted way "Maggie, you look like you're in pain! ( meaning because of the reading ). She quickly replied " Yeah, it sucks always being alone". My heart sank. I was not expecting that response. She took my words in the deeper emotional sense. I immediately understood. Maggie's the girl with the purple hair who sits by herself and neve joins a group. My words were a trigger for her, bringing to the surface her feelings about being socially isolated. Other students worked in reading groups. She worked by herself. I stayed close to her desk just long enough to say "I understand" and to make sure she had my support in understanding the reading. My next step will be to look for an opportunity to pair her up with a willing student, and to connect with her daily to help her with her work so she doesn't fall behind....other thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This reinforces the need for a supportive teacher role in the classroom. It sounds like Maggie needed to express her frustrations about her social isolation and she felt safe to do so to you. Since, she has opened up to you, it seems like a good plan to make it a priority to connect with her daily and support her progress. It also seems pertinent to match her with another student, however, as you stated, a willing student is key! Preferably someone who is enthusiastic and inclusive. A positive, partner pairing could greatly encourage Maggie and give an extra boost of self-confidence that she needs, as well as help her in her schoolwork. I hope that you are able to support Maggie in this way! :)
