Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Teaching with Tech

I'm still not sure about using technology in the classroom. I see benefits in terms of the quality of presentation. For example, I'm using Bitstrips for Schools, a comic strip bulider -great for language expression and development. But....the time spent moving to a computer location, loggin on, fixing problems like deficient save functions, print problems, manipulatives freezing within the program, etc. means other language learning opportunities are delayed or lost.

I will assess this whole experience with the help of the students in a week or two....

1 comment:

  1. Love the Moodle and the Bitstrips. What an excellent tool to allow learners a creative outlet to represent literacy. I have used it as formative and summative assessment. My grade 5 English class has created nearly 400 comics and over 400 characters after only a 30 minute lesson in-class.

    For the intermediate level students I am happy with the Moodle format as it allows individual journals as well as forum discussions that can be used for furthering class discussions as well as ensuring a balance of participation.

